Youth Services

Our primary goal is to always ensure the health and safety of the young people in attendance of the Y WA’s youth services. With regard to the COVID-19 pandemic, we continually follow the State and Federal Government directives to keep everyone safe. Consequently, we have adopted additional measures outside of our already exemplary hygiene and safety policies. This includes:

  • A COVID-19 risk assessment and plan in place for each service
  • Increased audits of our health and hygiene practices

What restrictions will be in place at your youth services?

Effective from 6pm Thursday 23 December, masks will be mandatory in public indoor settings until at least 6am Tuesday 28 December or until Government directives change.

Everyone must wear a mask in our centres during this time unless they have a medical exemption.

What’s happening with events?

Our youth events will follow all current government directives. Check our social media platforms for the latest updates, or call the youth centre.

How can I get in touch with a Y youth worker or case manager?

Case management is available Monday – Friday between 10am and 6pm. Contact details are:


To speak to a Y youth worker: (08) 9479 5794

To speak to a Y case management: 0447 348 186

If it is an emergency, call 000. 

How can I get in touch with Base@Belmont?

Contact details are:


Phone: (08) 9479 5794

Phone or Text: 0447 348 186

Or reach out on their Facebook or Instagram

How can I get in touch with HQ?

Contact details are:


Phone: (08) 9328 3221

Or reach out on their Facebook or Instagram

What do I do if I, or someone I know, is suspected/ confirmed to have COVID-19?

Contact the centre you attended by telephone immediately if you are contacted by Public Health and advised that you or member of your household is:

  • A confirmed case of COVID-19
  • Under investigation for a suspected case or being tested for COVID-19
  • Has been in close contact with a confirmed cased of COVID-19
  • Has travelled too or via an overseas or interstate destination and is in isolation

How will you keep us up to date?

If and when things change where possible we will be emailing families with information. If your contact details have changed, please let your local centre know urgently.

What do we do in the meantime?

The best thing you and your family can do is practice safe hygiene, wash your hands with hot water and soap regularly and avoid touching your face.

If you begin to feel unwell with flu like symptoms, including fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath, you should seek your doctor’s advice.

For more information on Coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit Australian Department of Health, contact the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080 (in Australia).

Will Youth Parliament continue?

Our Youth Parliament leadership program is currently running as scheduled this year. For full details visit our Facebook page.

Are gigs happening at HQ?

Gigs at HQ will adhere to government guidelines. Check our social media platforms for the latest updates, or call HQ.