South Hedland Child and Parent Centre
The Child and Parent Centre South Hedland initiative provides early childhood support, services and programs to parents with children up to 8 years of age, including parents expecting children.

Child and Parent Centres (CPC) have been established in 16 communities throughout Western Australia. Located on public school sites, these family-friendly centres are open to all parents and carers. The CPC is an early intervention initiative developed between the Department of Education, Department of Health and Department Communities.
The CPC works with local agencies and families to provide integrated services that increase health, well-being and school readiness for young children and their families. Services and programs currently running are child health services, maternal health workshops and programs, early learning programs, supported playgroups, parenting information support and referrals to other support services.
South Hedland Child and Parent Centre (CPC) Family Fun Day
When: Thursday 26 August, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Where: 1 Weaver Pl, South Hedland
Cost: free
A fun day out for the family at CPC!
While the children have fun with lots of free activities and our playground, you can enjoy some free food, mingle with other families and access lots of local resources and organisations designed to support and empower families, including Ngala.
Facebook event:
Play at the Park
Delivered by the Y WA, Play at the Park operates two days a week during school terms at 9.30am-11.30am. Term 1 and 4 are held indoors during the warmer months and Terms 2 and 3 held offsite at a local park.

School Holiday Programs
Two hour sessions delivered during the school holiday period, Monday to Friday.
Mum and Bubs Group
Delivered by WACHS, these two hour group sessions are facilitated by a child health nurse to support new parents.
Starting Solids
In this two hour session the local Child Health Nurse, Dietitian and Speech therapist all provide information for parents whose babies are transitioning to solids.
Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
This is one of the most effective, evidence-based parenting programs in the world, that helps make raising children easier. It gives simple and practical strategies to help raise happy and confident children, build strong, healthy relationships, confidently manage children’s behaviour, and prevent problems developing.
Provides regional support to parents. CPC works in collaboration with Ngala during their visits to the Pilbara.
The Community Child Health Nurse
The Y WA partnered with WACHS Pilbara Population Health to facilitate child health clinics at CPC and the Y Port Hedland Early Learning Centre.
Child Health Drop In Clinic
The Child Health Nurse visits one day a week at the CPC, during school terms. Parents can access universal health checks and professional health advice.
The Earbus Foundation of WA
Offers ear health screening and assessments to Indigenous and vulnerable children who are at a high risk to otitis media.
Child and Parent Centre - South Hedland
1 Weaver Place
Ph: (08) 9172 4956
Child and Parent Centre South Hedland is a State Government initiative, run by the YMCA in partnership with South Hedland Primary School.