Open Arts youth music videos


Tornado Vs Cobra

This music video follows rogue reporter, Max Tornado, on his quest to fight crime and injustice and take down the wretched villain, Big Cobra. The featured hip hop song, Stand Strong, celebrates the cultural identities of the Aranmore students and their new lives in Australia.

"Came a long way to be here today... in this place, safe and free!"

Welcome To My World is an ongoing partnership between YMCA Perth and Aranmore Catholic College’s Intensive English Centre. Presented by YMCA Drug Aware Open Arts and the Australia Council for the Arts.

Watch Tornado Vs Cobra
Watch Tornado Vs Cobra - Behind The Scenes

My Culture My Land

A slammin’ hip hop track from Yamaji Land with a music video to match! Written by young people from Carnarvon, Burringurrah and Gascoyne Junction and produced by Scott Griffiths.

"We come from a Yamaji Land, Gwoonwardu, with my feet in the sand...”

This song and video were created through a regional community arts and cultural development project managed by the Pundara Performance Group and YMCA Perth. Presented by Country Arts WA and Department of Culture and the Arts.

Watch My Culture My Land

Category: General